One of my male friends at my gym, aged 83, became conscious of a shortness of breath just before Xmas. He thought it was just stress as he was going through a rough time.  However he was encouraged by gym members to go to the doctor and see about it.  In short, he was found to have dire heart problems.  Subsequent tests revealed that he had 100% of one artery to the heart blocked and 80% of another one blocked and so urgent surgery was required.  On January 11, 2016 he had heart surgery and was told he’ be in ICU for three or four days. I rang the hospital on Wednesday 13th January to find out how he was.  “Oh he’s in the cardio ward,” said the hospital telephonist.  “I’ll put you through.”

A male nurse answered. “I’m ringing to find out how my friend is,” I said.  “Oh he’s doing marvellously.”  He sounded amazed.  “He’s even been for a walk this morning.  Do you want to speak to him?”  “I’d love to,” I answered.

“Hello Love,” my friend said. “How are you?” I asked. “I’m absolutely fine I’ve been for a walk this morning.”  “I know,” I said. “The nurse seemed amazed.”

“You know,” he said, “They had to take arteries out of my neck and legs for my heart.” “That’s amazing,” I said and then with an enormous burst of enthusiasm he said, “And the doctor said I can have sex anytime I want!”  “Then perhaps I should warn any would be female visitors.”  I said