Be in charge of what goes into your mouth. Don’t let others push food onto you. You don’t have to eat to be polite or sociable. Having a cup of coffee or a beverage of some kind should suffice. I wouldn’t let anyone pressure me into putting anything into my mouth that I didn’t want to put there.
I remember an incident some years ago. It was the occasion of an afternoon tea at the home of a relative. The host, an old man was doing the rounds offering a tray of biscuits. Seated on my left was the old man’s wife. When her husband came to her she took a biscuit. I was next to be offered the array of biscuits and when they were put in front of me I politely said, “Oh no thank you.”
My response was not appreciated by the old man who retorted harshly with, “what’s the matter, are you anorexic?” I was shocked at his reaction but I looked up at him and said politely, “No, I just don’t feel hungry thank you.”
The old man’s wife, far from being in synch with her husband, seemed to gain strength from my refusing a biscuit. Surprisingly, with biscuit in hand she moved her arm towards the plate and dropped her biscuit on it and said, “And I don’t want mine either thank you.” Her husband seemed shocked, but the old lady looked at me and beamed. I got the feeling that this act of hers was most probably the first time in her life she’d been able to assert herself and say without words, “No thank you, I don’t feel like a biscuit and I’m not having one.”
Don’t let anyone bully you into eating what you don’t want to eat. No-one has the right to expect you to put anything into your mouth other than what you choose to put there.
Thank you for this post, Janice! So true, I often eat to please my hubby. I’ve managed, by now, to say “no” to his week-end homemade pancakes, and he adores pizza (I don’t), and white rice (I eat brown). I’m often offered candy (bite-sized Snickers, Three Musketeers, Peppermint Patties). I’m slowly learning to just keep on saying, “No, no, no.” Instead, I’ll have an orange and some prunes with tea to assuage my sweet tooth. It’s getting easier with time to say “no.” In her book, Refusing to Regain, by Dr. Barbara Berkeley (Quill Driver Books),, she makes the point that those closest to you will often try to (unwittingly) sabotage your efforts. We must be vigilant!!!