There are diets galore around. Many people try this and that diet but don’t stick to it. Some of these diets are quite expensive and some are difficult to sustain. I recommend that you build your new diet around your current eating regime and simply trim and trade using the tools I’ve presented to you in this blog. You’ll be more likely to succeed if you do this. The result would be a gradual positive change and more likely to stay permanent.
Also, sometimes we yearn to be like someone else, possibly a film star, but we don’t picture ourselves being that way. You need to start picturing yourself the way you want to be. If you do this every day your mind will start working automatically to bring you into line with that image. We call this psycho-pictography. Your image of how you want to be will most likely be vague at first, but as time goes by, your image will become clearer and clearer as it continues to develop.