One can Live Young and not look young, but I think most of us would like to look young if we could and there’s nothing more important when it comes to looking young than having soft, line free skin. Sadly when I was younger I, like most of my cohort, spent quite a bit of time lying in the sun, sunbaking. A suntanned and bronzed look was considered healthy and attractive years ago.
In fact in the 1950’s and 60’s, the stereotype of the tanned, bronzed Aussie was almost an Australian icon, whereas the soft white English complexion was looked down upon, and so no-one back then aspired to soft white skin, more is the pity! I wish I’d known more about protecting my skin from the sun when I was younger. Back then I used to think sun screen was only needed when one ventured out in a bathing costume.
I was 41 years old before I learnt from a beautician about the need to wear sun screen every day and all year round, even during the winter months. Since learning this, that is exactly what I’ve done and thankfully my skin has escaped heavy lines. I now also use an umbrella with 50+ sun protection, when out in the sun.
However the sun is not the only culprit when it comes to damaging the skin. More on this next week!